This bit I like. The site is not working anymore though. A Greenmayer Art Gallery Project

Volga Verdi home page

A pink bit of a graphic

Aand, a Volga Verdi Exchange Program page

Everything I Have User's Tree of Things page

A simple logo I thought I'd throw in here. It's kinda nice, I used a carved art frame corner to make this background

This is something I can't talk about

This is a bit of humour in design that many of us lack. Link

Crazy optical illusion project for Saab. Can be found here

This one shows hard work ability - it's all handcoded in notepad :) Link

This is my heavy-version of portfolio. So heavy, I decided to make this one. Link

Just like that, no comments. A piece of typography I guess. The site is down.

One of the oldest pieces, a jewelry store. Long gone.

Recent work, Art School in San Diego

Everything I Have log-in pop-up

An Art Work sold in the Greenmayer Gallery

Sports shop sponsored team member and his short bio

Volga Verdi Product page

I like this trashy pile of the good-old Trialshop

I'll be honest - this was rejected. But I know you'll understand me for not showing you the final result

Everything I Have FAQ page header

Piece of icon graphic for Collectica

Nope, can't tell you nothing yet.
